Meet the Judge

Meet Peter Boen from Lamesa, TX


2158 1st Street

Qualified to Judge:

Cattle, Club lambs, Swine

Judge Classification:

College Student

Available in Region(s):

Available in State(s):

New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Available in Canada:


Judge personal information:

I grew up around Hog Breeders my entire life, I was behind a show stick from the time I was able to show, until my Sr. year in high school. Terry County Texas (where I was raised) was well known for doing great things in the Texas major shows. After judging livestock in High School, I was offered a full ride scholorship to be on the Howard Jr College Livestock judging team in Big Spring TX. Under the direction of Vance Christi and Cash Berry, We toured the Country judging all breeds of livestock in preporation for national shows all around the United States. One particular show I will always remember was the West Texas A&M University collegiate livestock judging contest. It was my sophmore year in college and I was super nervous, as it was the week before Denver nationals. I ended up winning the Hog division as high individual of the contest and scored a perfect 50/50 on my reasons. It was a much needed boost of confidence. After winning the Hog division, I was offered a full ride scholorship to judge for the West Texas A&M University livestock judging team. Through my experience in college throughout the years I have had the opportunity to judge several local and County livestock shows throughout Texas. 


Howard Jr College 


Howard Jr College Livestock Judging Team